Group of adults with birthday hats on, while one man covers the eyes of a woman to hide a surprise. The other adults are clapping.

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A collection of valuable insights, tips, and strategies on navigating the challenges of long-distance work and fostering stronger family connections. Stay updated on the latest trends, expert advice, and heartwarming experiences shared by our community.

Strategies for Families Samantha Bahan Fehr Strategies for Families Samantha Bahan Fehr

Bridging the Gap: Addressing Mental Health Needs for Remote Workers and Their Families

While Employee and Family Assistance Programs (EFAP) provide valuable support, there remain significant service gaps in addressing the mental health needs of these workers and their families. Long Distance Family (LDF) is leading a movement to reimagine and enhance how we meet these critical needs.

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Strategies for Families, Strategies for Spouses Samantha Bahan Fehr Strategies for Families, Strategies for Spouses Samantha Bahan Fehr

Prioritizing Sleep Hygiene for Partners at Home When One Parent Works Away

When one partner works away from home, the partner at home often bears the brunt of managing the household, caring for children and pets, and handling other responsibilities alone. Amid these challenges, maintaining good sleep hygiene can be particularly difficult but is crucial for overall well-being. Today we are sharing some strategies to help maintain healthy sleep hygiene for partners at home.

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Strategies for Families, Strategies for Spouses Samantha Bahan Fehr Strategies for Families, Strategies for Spouses Samantha Bahan Fehr

Navigating the Challenges of Rural Life: Support for Families with a Parent Working Away from Home

Families where one parent works away from home face unique challenges, and these can be even more pronounced when living in rural areas. Limited access to resources and services, coupled with the isolation of rural life, can make managing daily life and maintaining mental well-being particularly difficult. In this blog post, we will explore the struggles faced by these families and provide strategies for navigating services in rural areas.

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Strategies for Families, Strategies for Workers Samantha Bahan Fehr Strategies for Families, Strategies for Workers Samantha Bahan Fehr

Breaking the Silence: Why Mental Health Awareness Matters for Families with a Parent Working Away from Home

Mental Health Awareness Week, observed from May 15-21, serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of mental well-being for individuals and families. In families where one parent works away from home, the impact of mental health challenges can be particularly profound.

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Strategies for Families Samantha Bahan Fehr Strategies for Families Samantha Bahan Fehr

Shining a Light on Youth Mental Health: The Impact on Families with a Parent Working Away from Home

Child and Youth Mental Health Day is a crucial reminder of the importance of supporting the mental well-being of young people. In families where one parent works away from home, the unique challenges and stressors can have a significant impact on youth mental health. Let's shine a light on this important issue and explore how we can support the mental health of young people in these families.

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Strategies for Families Samantha Bahan Fehr Strategies for Families Samantha Bahan Fehr

Healthy Lifestyle Habits for Families with a Partner Working Away from Home

Balancing work and family life can be challenging, especially when one partner works away from home. In these situations, maintaining a healthy lifestyle becomes even more important to ensure the well-being of both the remote worker and the family at home. Today we are sharing some healthy lifestyle habits that families can adopt to thrive in these circumstances.

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Strategies for Families Samantha Bahan Fehr Strategies for Families Samantha Bahan Fehr

Navigating Family Finances When One Partner Works Away: Strategies for Success

Distance can introduce unique complexities to the family's financial situation. Handling family finances requires careful planning and effective strategies. In this blog post, we'll explore the difficulties of managing finances when one partner works away from home and provide practical tips for navigating these challenges.

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Strategies for Families Samantha Bahan Fehr Strategies for Families Samantha Bahan Fehr

The Impact of Stress on Families with Remote Working Parents: Strategies for Managing Stress

Stress has become a common part of life for many individuals and families, especially for families where one of the parents or partners works away from home. Understanding these effects and implementing effective stress management strategies is crucial for maintaining a healthy family dynamic.

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Celebration Ideas, Strategies for Families Samantha Bahan Fehr Celebration Ideas, Strategies for Families Samantha Bahan Fehr

Celebrating Easter Together: Creative Ideas for Families with a Remote Working Partner

Easter is a time for family, love, and togetherness, but what happens when one partner or parent can't be there in person for the festivities? In this blog post, we'll explore creative ideas for families to celebrate Easter together, even when one member is working remotely.

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two women at a cafe with lunch and coffee, both looking at a laptop screen

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