Helping Families Thrive Across Distances

Supporting Remote Workers and Families Every Step of the Way

three women chatting and smiling with coffee

Navigating The Distance, Together

We understand the unique challenges that come with long-distance work arrangements. If you or your spouse work away from home, know that you’re not alone in this journey. LDF is here to bridge the gap and foster well-being, family relationships, and the sustainability of long-distance work.

father and child standing in a yoga pose outside, looking at each other with smiles
Woman and young girl playing happily indoors
Woman with glass of red wine and a birthday hat on, smiling at a computer screen, and two gift boxes

Areas of Support

  • Peer Support

    Online discussion forum and virtual support groups.

  • Health & Wellness

    Service coordination for fitness, nutrition, stress management, meditation, and more.

  • In-Person Events

    Financial aid for volunteers who organize peer meet-ups in their community.

  • Mental Health

    Service coordination of counselling support for adults, children, and couples.

  • Family Milestones

    Assistance with personalizing family celebrations to include workers afar.

  • Day to Day

    Service coordination of house cleaning, lawn maintenance, snow removal, meal prep, and childcare.

Not Sure What Support You Need?

We've Got You Covered.

Our free self-assessment tool helps you identify where you could use some extra help.

Insights & Inspirations

Explore our blog for valuable insights, tips, and strategies on navigating the challenges of long-distance work and fostering stronger family connections. Stay updated on the latest trends, expert advice, and heartwarming experiences shared by our community.

Recent Articles

two women at a cafe with lunch and coffee, both looking at a laptop screen

Membership & Services

Unlock a world of support with LDF Membership. Gain access to personalized services and a thriving community that understands the challenges you face. Together, we build resilience against the difficulties faced by long-distance families.